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мне но только пиши англиский я тебе даю 30 бб​

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Ответы на вопрос:

My little sister (1) drinks (drink) a glass of milk every morning.

My mother usually (2) cooks (cook) for the family, but today (3) is (be) her birthday, so I (4) planned (plan) a special dinner for everybody.

(5)Did you (you / bake) a pie for Easter last week?

(6)Samon doesnt like (not / like) spicy food.

(7)We had (have) dinner at the restaurant yesterday.

(8)She always do (do) the shopping on Sunday but today she (9) stayed (stay) at home because she (10)isnt feeling (not / feel) very well.

(11)Where did you travel (you / travel) last summer? – I (12) went (go) to France.

Where (13) did he go (he / go)? - He (14) went (go) to visit his friend.

(15) (Matt / come) Did Matt come to school yesterday? – No, he (16)didnt because he (17) is ill.

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