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ссылка на картинке Listen to two friends talking about superstitions.
Mark the sentences as T (true) or F (false)
1) Nathan doesn’t know what the date is. T / F
2) There’s a full moon next Friday. T / F
3) Daniel is too scared to go out. T / F
4) Nathan believes in lucky charms. T / F
5) Daniel doesn’t walk under ladders. T / F

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Ответы на вопрос:

Извини но я не знаю о твоём стиле жизни, но могу дать пример, вот: my name is dmitri and i have my lifestyle that great for me. i think that education very wonderful, but sometimes this is bad for organism due the "eternal" tire. i love learn some languages, for example: french, chinese, and maybe russian(but now i learn french as main language that i learn). i know one chinese girl who i teach english, and french girl. that is my lifestyle - i'm do not stop if i have a problems, education is way to success, but also you should know how to solve problems. this is my lifestyle and i live with it.

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