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Lewis Read the last part (part III) of the summary of the Chronicles of Narnia. Click the best option. Where does Aslan die and rise from the dead? What do the children tell the professor about?

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Льюис прочел последнюю часть (часть III) краткого изложения "Хроник Нарнии". Выберите оптимальный вариант. Где Аслан умирает и восстает из мертвых? О чем дети рассказывают профессору?

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Смайлик десеш

Hi, masha! this is anya. what are you doing? -hello. i am reading an interesting book. -i say, let's go for a walk in the park. -well. o.k.-put on your warm coat. it's cold outside. -is it snowing? -no, but it's frosty. the sun is shining. the day is good!

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