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Ответы на вопрос:

1. I ( to see) this film this week. I like it very much.

2. When I ( to enter ) the kitchen, I ( to see ) that my mother ( to stand )

at the table and ( to cut ) some cabbage. She ( to cook ) dinner.

3. After school yesterday he ( to come) home, ( to have ) dinner, ( to

read ) an article from the latest magazine and ( to begin ) doing his


4. When your friend ( to return ) from the south? – She ( to return )

yesterday. – You (to go ) to the station to meet her? – No, I …, I ( to be )

too busy.

5. Your brother ( to return ) from the north? – Yes, he ( to come ) a few

days ago.

6. You ( to be ) to the USA ? When you ( to be ) there? – I ( to be ) there

in 2011.

7. Where ( to be ) your brother? – He just ( to come ) home. He ( to take

) a shower in the bathroom now.

9. As soon as I ( to see ) him, I ( to understand ) that he ( to work ) hard.

He ( to write ) something and ( not to notice ) anything.

10. When I ( to come ) home yesterday, the children ( to run ) and ( to

sing ) merrily.

11. When the young man ( to enter ) the room, she ( to look ) at him in

surprise. “ What you ( to want ) to tell me?” she ( to say ). “ Why you (

to come )?”

12. With whom you ( to discuss ) this question yesterday?

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