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Көркем шығармадан сапалық, қатыстық сын есімдері бар сөйлемдерді жазу​

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4,6(96 оценок)

Hi masha -hi sveta -how are you doing -yes that^s all good   here i think about   my fature profession -yes it is interesting. well what profession you want in the fature? -i want to study   at dr. -what you are interested in the profession? -i like to help people i love to deal with medications and inportent papers -and you are not afraid of responsibility this is a very important profession you will have to deal with a person^s life? - no if i become a good doctor then i will not   be afraid   to trust   your life and health -well good luck bye  -yet                                             знаки припинания поставь сам(а)

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