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9. Where they (to be) last week? 10.He ever (to be) to Italy?
11. How long he (to look) for his keys? – For an hour.
12.She often (to buy) fruit for lunch?
13. You (to go) to the seaside next summer?
14.He (to be) in the mountains last summer.
15.Last week Bob (not to read) any books.
16.Maria (to go) to work after she (to feed) the cat.
17.Peter was late. By the time he (to get) to the theatre the movie (to start)
18.A writer (to create) characters in his books.
19. They (not to return) home next week.
20. Yesterday they (to work) the whole day.​

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Ответы на вопрос:


9. were

10. has he ever been

11. he has been looking

12. Does she often buy

13. Will you go

14. was

15. didn't

16. will go, feed

17. got, movie had already start

18. creates

19. won't return

20. were working/ worked


1 . i will go to school tomorow without my friends

2. you won't play with us tomorrow

3.we will read this book in the next week


1 .я завтра пойду в школу бух своих друзей

2. ты не будешь с нами играть завтра

3. мы будем читать эту круге на следующей неделе

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