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0 Choose the correct item.
1. I promise I'll bring/'m bringing you back a souvenir from my holidays in
2 Look where you're going! You'll stepl're going to step into that puddle of
dirty water
3 Turn the music down, please. I'm studying!'ll study.
4 This suitcase looks very heavy. I'm carrying! 'll carry it for you
5 Don't go by Nurlan's house tomorrow. He'll leavel's going to leave for the
airport early in the morning.

Посмотреть ответы 1

Ответы на вопрос:

Hi Ann!
Hi, Mary! How are you doing?
I’m doing great. I’m going to London this Weekend.
Really? It’s amazing. Have you been there before?
No I haven’t, but I’m thrilled
What is the most famous one?
I think the most famous is Big Ben
What is it exactly?
It’s a tower and clock at the same time.
Wow it’s fantastic! Bring me some photos from your trip, please

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