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3 Complete the text with for or since. Add the time expressions to the table
in exercise 2.
Cultural problems
I've known Imran '_six months.
We've been good friends 2 Lollast
summer. We haven't had many
arguments ?__ we met, but we
argued last week. He's been strange
with all his friends __ a while now.
His parents have lived here 5_ a long time,
but they think Imran should have a wife from their
culture. He hasn't spoken to me 6_ we fell out.
I don't know what I can do ...

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Ответы на вопрос:

In Russian:

Одним из моих самых хороших дней был мой день рождения. На него пришли все мои друзья и родственники. Было много подарков, многие из которых я до этого не видел. Все ели торт и после мы играли, ближе к вечеру все гости стали расходиться по домам, потому что было уже поздно. После этого я был очень рад и мой день рождения стал самым хорошим днём!

In English:

One of my nicest days was my birthday. All my friends and relatives came to it. There were many gifts, many of which I had not seen before. Everyone ate cake and then we played, later in the evening all the guests began to go home, because it was already late. After that I was very happy and my birthday became the nicest day!

P.s have good luck at your school!

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