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Адание 5 № 1691 Прочитайте текст и вставьте вместо каждого пропуска нужную грамматическую форму, выбрав её из четырёх предложенных вариантов.

At the theatre
My mother goes to the theatre whenever she can. When a new play is on, she usually reads the review on the Internet to find out (1) about the play. Last week a new comedy was staged at the city theatre. The reviews on the Internet (2) it was very good. My father (3) comedies. So, my mom and I (4) the theatre without him. Unfortunately, we were a little late. We missed the beginning, but the rest of the play (5) very funny. The actors were very good. The reviews on the Internet were right. We enjoyed every minute of the performance.

A 1) much 2) more 3) many 4) most

B 1) says 2) said 3) were saying 4) has said

C 1) don't like 2) likes 3) doesn't like 4) liked

D 1) have gone 2) are going 3) will go 4) went

E 1) was 2) is 3) will be 4) were

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