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Напишите сочинение на английском на любую из 2 тем (темы ниже) от 140 до 190 слов. Тема 1
You want to organise a charity event at school to raise money for your favourite charity. Write a letter to the school principal asking for permission.

In your letter:

explain why you are writing give your reasons for organising the event request permission to organise a charity event.

Тема 2
Three years ago, you went on a school exchange to the UK and stayed with a family and their son, Chris, who was your age. You lost touch but now you are doing a school project about music in England and you remember that Chris loves music.

Write an informal email to Chris: remind him who you are explain why you are getting in touch and request his help give some news about what you've been up to.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Вроссии есть множество достопримечательностей.столицей россии является москва.самое главное место в москве это красная площадь.там находится царь колокол.ещё царь пушка.так же там множество церквей.всё и не перечислить! in russia there are many beautiful places .the great city of russia moskva.the most important place of moscow is the main place in moscow, it is the king of red ploschad.here there is king colocol.and king pushka.and there are many churches .i can't about all say!

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