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Найти ошибки в линиях и исправить, если есть. Если нет, то плюс напротив цифры линии 41 ... I have had a good flight home, and my parents and
42 ... sisters were waiting at the airport to meet me. There was
43 ... so much news to tell to
them that we stayed up talking 44 ... until long after midnight! They were extremely
45 ... interested to see through all my photographs, especially 46 ... the ones of you and your family. I have been trying to
47 ... persuade them to visit England in next year so that they
48 ... can meet you. I know you would all get on with very well
49 together. I must say that it's nice to be home again and
50 ... speaking my own language, but l'm afraid I may be forget
51 ... all the English I had learnt while I was staying with you.
52 ... So I'm planning to write to you regularly as a way of
53 ... practising. I'm sure of l'll make lots of mistakes and it
54 ... would be really helpful if you could correct the worst ones.
55 ... Please write soon. I'm looking forward to hear your news.

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