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1) Which combination would have an attraction?
A. electronsandprotons
B. noneoftheabove
C. protonsandneutrons
D. neutronsandelectrons
2) Which is the value of the constant in Coulombl's
A. k=9 x 10^-9
B. k=9.8
C. k= 6.67 x 10^_11
D. k=9 x 10^9
3) Which scientist found the charge of an atom through his
oil drop experiment?
A. Coulomb
B. Millikan
C. Newton
D. Franklin
4) Which factor is squared in Coulombl's law equation?
A. Distance
B. Charges
C. theconstant
D force
5) What is the correct unit for charge?
A. Meters
B. Newtons
C. Kilograms​

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Хравнодействующая равна 7н-4н=3н равнодействующая направлена по этой же прямой, в сторону большей силы

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