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2a Read and answer the questions. 1 What is the difference between the British and Uzbekistan electoral systems?
2 What is similar?

Every five years, British people over the age of 18 can vote in a general election. People vote for the candidate they want in their region. The candidate who wins becomes their MP (Member of Parliament) in the House of Commons, even if he or she gets only one vote more than the candidate who is second. This is called the first-past-the-post system. The first-past-the-post electoral system in Britain usually makes two parties powerful, while smaller parties do not have many MPs. Since the 1920s, the two main parties have been the left-wing Labour Party and the right-wing Conservative Party. The Liberal Democratic party is not happy with the first-past-the-post electoral system. This is because it is a party which does not win many seats in Parliament, but comes second in many regions. It would prefer a system of proportional representation where the number of MPs is based on the number of people who vote for the party in the whole of the country.​

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Ilike basketball. it is one of the most popular game in the world . i used to play basketball when i was a schoolgirl. as i know , to play basketball you need at first to find sport ground with the baskets. second is to get a ball . next and the most important is to have 5 players from each team . you should wear sport suits and comfortable sneakers . to play in jeans is prohibited. from 5 members of your team one is a captain. you must bounce the ball and to pass to each other . the main aim is to get as much score as you can by throwing the ball into the basket. there are two baskets on the wall opposite each other . the duration of the game is 4 periods and one durates 10 minutes (12).

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