Есть ответ 👍

1 I always wear these leather when it’s really hot. shoe sandals boots
2 You won’t get very wet if you leave now – it’s only .
drizzling pouring damp
3 I always get very before a job interview, but it’s easier once it’s started.
relieved nervous offended
4 I was really worried when Rob started on that fishbone.
fainting sneezing choking
5 I just need to collect my suitcase from baggage and I’ll see you on Arrivals.
check-in drop-off reclaim
6 Vanessa’s very . She always wears the latest clothes.
scruffy trendy old-fashioned
7 We were when the festival was canceled – we’d been looking forward to it.
grateful disappointed relieved
8 I didn’t have much work earlier in the year, but I’m very busy .
actually eventually at the moment
9 I like that skirt, and it really your top.
suits match fits
10 You should wear a shirt and for the awards ceremony – it’s a formal event.
collar bow tie

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 sandals

2 drizzling

3 nervous

4 choking

5 reclaim

6 trendy

7 disappointed

8 at the moment

9 matches

10 tie

1.Take risk-

2. go easy-

3. teach well

4. make ready

5. Travel six days-

6. write well-

7. the girl is fifteen years old

8. the town is one hundred years old

9. the city is growing fast

10. the song is sung well

1. risk-taking

2. easy-going

3. well-taught

4. ready-made

5. six-day travel

6. well-written

7. fifteen-year-old girl

8. one-hundred-year-old town

9. fast-growing city

10. well-sung song

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