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8 grade 1st term 1. Opposite meaning of the word «weak»

a) powerful

b) light

c) boring

d) safe

e) common

2. The correct variant of Present Simple

a) They chatting every day

b) They chats every day

c) They are chat every day

d) They chat every day

e) They chatt every day

3. Order the words to make correct sentence


a) You borrow my headphones can`t

b) Can`t you borrow my headphones

c) You can`t my headphones borrow

d) My headphones you can`t borrow

e) You can`t borrow my headphones

4. Complete with the Past Simple of the verb

He part in a reality show last month

a) taken

b) taked

c) took

d) takes

e) tooked

5. Choose the right variant

My Mum was when I home this morning

a) sleeping/left

b) slept/left

c) sleep/ leave

d) sleeps/left

d)sleeping/was left

6. I cartoons when I was a child

a) used to watch

b) used watch

c) use to wathing

d) did use to watch

e) use watch

7. Where is she doing her research … this serious problem?

a) on

b) of

c) in

d) for

e) -

8. Have you ever visited other countries? - Yes, I... to Italy and France.

a) was

b) had been

c) have been

d) would be

e) has been

9) By the time we got to the cinema the film ... .

a) had begun

b) will begin

c) would begin

d) began

e) begin

10. Is there anything I ... do to help you?

a) may

b) am to

c) can

d) as to

e) could

11. When I speak Italian, all the others in the class ... at me as I don't know the language well.

a) laugh

b) will laugh

c) was laughing

d) laughed

e) laughs

12. The students often translate English texts ... Russian.

a) on

b) to

c) in

d) into

e) for

13. Actually, today I feel ... than I did yesterday.

a) bad

b) worse

c) worst

d) the worst

c) the worse

14. What happened at the end of the film? - I'm sorry to say, but I haven't seen ... film.

a) the

c) -

b) a

d) those

e) an

15. Would you mind waiting ... minutes?

a) few

b) little

c) a few

d) a little

e) the little

16. I'm ... interested in languages than in mathematics,

a) less

c) little

b) many

d) much

e) a many

17. That's an easy question! ... knows the answer!

a) Each

b) Everybody

c) All

d) Every

e) Everything

18. Excuse me, do you speak English? I ... for a hotel.

a) was looking

b) am looking

c) look

d) have been looking

e) am look

19. Make adjectives from these nouns: style-luck-fame

a)-ish, -y, -ous





20. Order the words to make correct sentence

studied/ long/you/how/have/English/?

a) How long you have studied English?

b) How have long you studied English?

c) Have you studied English how long?

d) English studied have you how long?

e) How long have you studied English?

21. What is the official name of Britain?

a) England

b) The United Kingdom

c) Great Britain

d) The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

e) Britain

22. What river is the British capital situated on?

a) on the Thames

b) on the Severn

c) on the Mississippi

d) on the Tay

e) on the Tweed

23. What is the London home of the Queen?

a) Hillsborough Castle

b) Westminster Palace

c) The Houses of Parliament

d) Balmoral Castle

e) Buckingham Palace

24. Related words for "shopping":

a) plaza, shopper, mall, bazaar

b) buy, sell, offer, building

c) marketing, shop, seller, yard

d) customer, bakery, note, pay

e) market,

25. I love watching fireworks, but the noise sometimes makes . . . nervous.

A) me

B) out

C) their

D) his

E) my

26.She’s just moved from her flat . . . 38 Azalea Drive.

A) at

B) on

C) for

D) in

E) to

27. Are you talking now about . . . John Smiths who led . . . Labour Party.

A) -/a

B) -/the

C) the/the

D) a/a

E) the/a

28. . He drives . . . carefully than his girlfriend.

A) more

B) as…as


D) most

E) the most

29. We visited the village . . . my mum was born.

A) what

B) those

C) where

D) that

E) their

30. Have you seen this . . . invention?

A) fantastic, new, German

B) German, new, fantastic

C) German, fantastic, new

D) fantastic, German, new

E) new, fantastic, German.

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Ответы на вопрос:

A) 1. the volga is the longest river in the european part of russia. 2. i'd like to go on an excursion to the crimea. 3. there is a stadium not far from our house. the stadium is the largest in our town. 4. my brother is a pupil of the 8th form and he wants to become an engineer. 5. chemistry is his favourite subject at school. 6. children like ice-cream. 7. can you tell me the way to the theatre? 8. here is the book you need. 9. the walls of our classroom are yellow. 10. butter and cheese are made of milk. 11. which fruit do you like: apples or oranges? 12. i go to bed at 12 o'clock at night. 13. when will you finish school? 14. i get up at 7 o'clock in the morning. 6) 1. england has to import raw materials, such as timber, petroleum, wool and others. 2. many ships with grain, oil, cotton and other goods come to london along  the river thames. 3. i usually drink tea with sugar. 4. will you have a cup of tea? 5. pass me  the sugar, please. 6. the tea is very hot, i'll put milk in it. don't pour milk into my cup, please. i don't like tea with  milk. 7. peace is life, war is suffering and death. 8. what a beautiful rose! what beautiful flowers! 9. good luck! 10. we shall go to  the theatre next week. 11. we shall see a new play at  the belarusian drama theatre. 12. let's go to  the cinema. 13. they say a new detective film is on.

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