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Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence. Write 1−3 words. 1 My friends and I arrived here three months ago.
My friends and I have been here three months.
2 They won’t post the names of the competition winners on the school website until next week.
The names of the competition winners on the school website until next week.
3 Jenny said, ‘I found a great music website yesterday.’
Jenny said that she a great music website the day before.
4 They've sold all the tickets for Friday's concert.
All the tickets for Friday's concert .
5 Angela and Maria said, ‘We can't do our homework.’
Angela and Maria said that they their homework.
6 Kelly went to Greece.
Kelly has to Greece.
7 They give us an English test every Monday.
We an English test every Monday.
8 We can't buy the tickets because they're so expensive.
We would buy the tickets if so expensive.
9 They don’t allow animals in this hotel room.
Animals in this hotel room.
10 They boys said, ‘We're going to London on Friday!’
The boys said that they to London that Friday.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Plantain is a plant from the family of plantain, of which there are about 200 species and they are spread across the globe, but many of them are weeds. among the medicinal plants there are several types of plantain: a large and a flea — they are both very valuable. they can be found near the roads (hence the name), pustyrnika in steppe areas, meadows and even sand. the plant is also an excellent nutritious food for many species of butterflies.healing properties the hero of our message, and it is known, has anti-inflammatory, hemostatic effect, promotes healing of wounds. only the leaves of this plant should be chewed or crushed to release the juice. apply them to wounds to disinfect and speed up healing. toothed plantain leaves in some european countries are used as a vegetable, and when it is grown in the gardens, i cook from it a variety of vitamin salads.

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