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Comment From: Hasan I live in a small village near Lake Maral. It is very beautiful here. My family has a small farm
house on the hill. We have a very big garden. My father works on the farm. I help my father after
school. I have a lot of friends. We all love fishing togethet. In fine weather, we play football Alot
of tourists come to our village, They enjoy fresh air and delicious food here.
Comment From: Leo
I live in Whistler, Canada. It is a small mountainous town. My neighbours are very friendly. People
are very fit here because we spend a lot of time outside. We love biking, skiing and spending
time in the mountains. Every year millions of tourists visit my town to see Food Festival, World
Ski and Snowboard Festival. There are always a lot of concerts in my city. I don't like concerts.
They are very noisy. Byen
8 Write yo
From: Helen
I am writing from Chester. It is a very beautiful city in Great Britain. There are ancient city walls
in our city. My friends and I like walking along the wall in our free time. My favourite place is
Cheshire Workshop. Children go to different master classes there. There are a lot of fun activities
in Cheshire Workshop. There is also a playground. I love Chester.​

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The second planet from the sun bakes under twice as much solar radiation as Earth and reaches temperatures of 895 degrees Fahrenheit (480 degrees Celsius).Pressure from the dense atmosphere of sulfuric acid gas is about 95 times greater than Earth's and would crush a human. The thick cloud cover around Venus rotates much faster than the planet itself - once every four days.

The surface of Venus is mostly a rocky desert (this computer-generated view shows lava flows around Sif Mons). Like Mercury, Earth and Mars, Venus is composed of mostly rock and metal.

The Greeks believed Venus was two separate objects - one in the morning sky and another in the evening. After the moon, Venus is the brightest object in the sky. Because it is often brighter than any other object in the sky - except for the sun and moon - Venus has generated many UFO reports.While all of the planets orbit in an ellipse, Venus' orbit is the closest to a perfect circle. It is the only planet in the solar system whose day (241 Earth days) is longer than its year (225 Earth days).

Поверхность Венеры в основном представляет собой каменистую пустыню (на этом компьютерном изображении показаны потоки лавы вокруг Сиф Монса). Как Меркурий, Земля и Марс, Венера состоит в основном из рока и металла.

Греки считали, что Венера - это два отдельных объекта: один в утреннем небе, а другой - в вечернем. После Луны Венера - самый яркий объект на небе. Поскольку она часто ярче, чем любой другой объект на небе, за исключением Солнца и Луны, Венера стала источником множества сообщений об НЛО. В то время как все планеты вращаются по эллипсу, орбита Венеры наиболее близка к идеальному кругу. Это единственная планета в Солнечной системе, у которой день (241 земной день) длиннее ее года (225 земных дней).

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