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2 Read the text. Match the types of guests (1-3) with the names in English:
c random stranger b) an invited guest or c) an unexpected guest
Kazakhstan is a country of rich traditions. Since ancient times hospitality has been a distinctive
feature of Kazakh people, and both guests and hosts have followed these unspoken rules.
Rules for guests:
Rules for hosts:
Say hello to everyone individually
• Reserve the tastiest food for guests.
in the host's house.
• Offer a wide choice of meals - konakasy - to
Take off your shoes when entering
all guests: (1) arnaiy konak, (2) kudaiy konak,
the host's house.
or (3) kydyrma konak.
Don't reject food when offered by the host - . Give a gift to any guest who has some good
. Take a seat when eating - remaining
• Treat elderly guests with delicious
standing is seen as a sign of disrespect. and easy-to-chew food - kazy, zhent,
. Don't interrupt people older than you.
or cottage cheese
• Say goodbye to the host and all their other
guests when leaving,
try at least a bit. дам лучший.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

Winter vacationas me every student or pupils wait this vacation.why we love winter vacation? because it is very important for everybody who studies, to relax. it gives us lots of time to play with our friends or to chat more with our relatives. winter vacation is better than summer's! because in winter everywhere be's white.as we know white colour enjoys people.in winter the sun shines later than summer's time and it gives us much more winter vacation has only 1 minutes: it's not long as summer's vacation, but i love it.

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