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Find the following words and word combinations in the text жидкая масса

изделия из стекла

природная смесь

расплавленная масса

связующее вещество

цилиндрическая вращающаяся печь

нагревание известняка

изготовление раствора и штукатурки,

гашеная известь

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Ответы на вопрос:

Russia is the biggest country in the world. moscow is the capital of russia. dedi. president of russia is putin. russia include big industrial contries for example: tatarstan buryatiya. flag of russia consists of 3 colors: white blue and red. russian people very brave and clever . i wanna to go to russia because it very beautiful. there are tretyakov gallery kreml and bolshoy theatre. in russia were born a lot of famous people. for example: chikerahin lenin baxov bravov stalin shipov popov rafifin polokov khetipanskiy and rjahov-miclopenciev. my dream is visit russiaaaaa

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