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с английским Надо слова вставить: like, argue, play, prefer, live, love, win, enjoy, (not always) agree, not be.

В этот текст:

Hi, im Sarah and 1) in London. I 2) playing games, especially board games like Monopoly and Scrabble. My sister also 3) games. We 4) Scrabble at the moment but we 5) . We often 6) because I 7) Scrabble but she 8) Monopoly. Today my sister 9) very happy because I 10) again!

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Ответы на вопрос:

Привет, я Сара и 1) я в Лондоне. I 2) Я играю в игры, особенно настольные, такие как «Монополия» и «Эрудит». У сестры тоже 3) есть игры. У нас 4) игры Scrabble на данный момент а у нас 5)? Мы часто 6) сражаемся, потому что я 7) играем в Scrabble, а она 8) играет в Монополию. Сегодня моя сестра 9) была очень рада, потому что я 10) снова игра!

Hi, I'm Sarah and 1) I'm in London. I 2) I play games, especially board games like Monopoly and Scrabble. My sister also has 3) games. We have 4) Scrabble games at the moment and we have 5)? We often 6) fight because I 7) play Scrabble and she 8) plays Monopoly. Today my sister 9) was very happy because I 10) play again!

Hi, I'm Sarah and I live in London. I 2) enjoy playing games, especially board games like Monopoly and Scrabble. My sister 3)likes games too. We 4)are playing Scrabble at the moment but we 5)don't always agree . We often 6) argue because I 7)love Scrabble, but she 8)prefers Monopoly. Today my sister 9)isn't very happy because I 10)have won again!


Текст немного искусственный, но пропуски можно заполнить вот так. В первом предложении пропущено второе местоимение I, я его дописала, а первое I написано с маленькой буквы - исправила.

В предложении My sister likes games too - моя сестра тоже любит (настольные) игры - лучше использовать наречие too, а не also.

My school day   on week days i get my alarm-clock for a   quarter past seven but i get up at half-past seven. it   takes me about ten minutes to wash and get dressed and then i   go downstairs and have breakfast. usually for breakfast i drink a cup of tea and have some marmalade and a toast.   then quickly i sort out my books for the day and meet my friend at the corner of my street at ten past eight. by twenty past eight we are at school and we are able to talk to out friends for twenty minutes before we have to go to our separate classes for registration at twenty minutes to nine.   at nine o’clock our lessons start. they last for forty-five minutes but then at eleven o’clock we have mid-morning breakfast for twenty   minutes and then have one more lesson before lunch-time.   at twenty past twelve we have a lunch break and usually we all sit in the dining-hall and eat our sandwiches with our friends, or a few of us have school dinner. if the weather is i nice we sit in the playground and eat our lunch there.   we have two lessons from half-past one to half-past three and then it is home-time.   after a tiring day at school i relax by sitting down and talking to my mother about my day until dinner is ready at five o’clock. after dinner i start my homework. i always have something to do, either to read a book, or to do some exercises or write an essay or learn for a test. by nine o’clock i always try to finish doing my homework so then i can relax by talking to my family and watching television. then i go to bed at half-past ten in order to be up bright and early the following day.

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