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Past Simple/Past Perfect Open the brackets.
1. I (not to recognize) Anna because she (to change) greatly.
2. Bob (to be) a shop assistant before he (to become) a businessman.
3. When she (to see) that her child (to tear) the book which she (to buy) for him, she (to be) upset.

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Ответы на вопрос:

He is able to play the guitar. Он может играть на гитаре. They are able to sing very well. Они могут петь очень хорошо.

He is able to fix the sink this afternoon. Он сможет починить раковину в полдень. They are not able to call you. Они не могут позвонить

I was able to find a good babysitter. Я смогла найти хорошую няню. He was able to answer the question correctly. Он смог ответить на во правильно.

She used to be able to dance all night.

Она раньше могла танцевать всю ночь.

They used to be able to speak Japan.


Популярно: Английский язык