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The Lost Island of or
The myth of Atlantis dates back to 355 BC. In his book Timaeus, Plato, a Greek philosopher, wrote about an
Island in the Atlantic Ocean. Atlantis was a peaceful and rich country. Poseidon, the Greek god of the sea,
created and protected it.
The Capital City
The earthquake
The capital city of Atlantis was amazing. In the People lived happily until one day, a terrible
centre, there was a temple dedicated to Poseidon. earthquake happened. The island disappeared into
Inside the temple, stood a gold statue of Poseidon the ocean. Only a few people survived to tell the
driving six horses.
story of the great empire.
The people
Did Atlantis exist?
The people were very rich. They were mostly There are many theories about where
Sailors and traders. They had large ships and sailed Atlantis was. It was either near the Azores,
all around the world. Some people were farmers or in the Mediterranean Sea, near Sardinia,
and worked in the fields. They also raised cows and Crete, Malta or Santorini. It seems that
the area between Santorini and Crete in
The kings
Greece is the most probable. Many
people believe Atlantis sank at the
The kings who ruled the island lived in beautiful
Same time a great earthquake
palaces. Their walls were covered in gold and
destroyed the island of
silver. There were also lovely statues, paintings
and fountains in the palaces.выберите основную мысль и 5 фактов про неё​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. частные школы для а) богатые люди, b) каждый, c) мальчишки.2. в школе, где вы учитесь и живем, - это школы. a) государство, b) посадки, c) общественности; 3. итон-известный . а) посадка, b), c) частный; 4. что-то вы получите, если вы стипендию, б) денег, c)премия; 5. в санкт дэвид центов s школе урок длится минут. a) 35, б) 40, c) 45; 6. моя сестра любит детей, много. она работает как . a) библиотекарь, b) медсестра, c)телохранитель; 7. политики практически во всех странах охраняются . а) врачи, b) медсестра, c) охранниками; 8. лечить многие виды животных.a)ветеринаров, б)врачи, c)медсестры

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