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B: I know. They (should/fine) if they don't.
2 A: Let's play basketball.
B: I can't. My teacher told us that our science projects (must/hand in) by Friday and I haven't even started mine yet.
3.A: Have you ordered your wedding invitations?
B: I didn't have to. They (make) by my cousin who is an artist.
.4.A: Where did you get that beautiful jumper?
B: It (knit) by my grandmother years ago.
5. A: Your house is a mess!
B: It (clean) tomorrow by the cleaning lady.
6. A: Have the police found the person who broke into your shop?
B: A young man (see) running down the street after the alarm went off but but he (not/find) yet.
7. A: You look very tired. What happened?
B: I went to bed late last night. My students' tests (have to/correct) so I went to bed at 2am.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. your dad isn't as strong as my dad 2. you aren't as intelligent as me 3. your sister isn't as pretty as my sister 4. your football teem isn't as  good as my football tea,

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