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In the past, the people of Kazakhstan and other
Central Asian countries were nomadic. This
means that they moved from place to place with
their animals. They didn't have time to build
houses when they stopped. They carried their
"houses with them.
We call these portable houses 'yurts. Yurt is an
English word from the Russian yurta opra). A
yart is a large round tent usually made of wood
and felt (sheep's wool). It is light, and one
animal - a came or ayak - can carry it on its
back. It is also easy to put up and take down.
and very comfortable to live in
The steppes of Central Asia can be very cold
and very hot at different times of the year. Yurts
protect the people inside them from the winter
cold and the summer heat, from wind and from
Kazakh shepherds still use yurts when they are
on the steppes with their sheep and goats. They
are also popular with visitors to Kazakhstan
in your la
Read the text, then answer the questions.
1 Why did Kazakhs live in yurts?
2 What is a yurt made of?
3 How many animals usually carry a yurt from
place to place?
4 Are yurts cold in the winter?
5 Who uses yurts now?

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Ответы на вопрос:

The most important years of his life, a person spends in school. it was here that he finds true friends, is defined in choosing their hobbies, for the first time faced with the challenges of life and rejoices in his first victories. school remain in everyone's heart light phase of life's journey. i was lucky, because i am in a wonderful first school. nine years now, i every morning with pleasure open the school doors and dive into the colorful, loud, wailing in every way the world. this special world of students and teachers, in which each hurry. feel beyond the school, be in the flow and float, keeping its direction. i can't help feeling that i am a small part of a larger organism, which is called school. in my school i like all! like narrow stairs, round wooden railing, light classes, but most of all - people. we have a wonderful teacher! they are not just lessons, each one tries to be interested in their subject. all together and each teacher separately teaches us not only to make a formula to prove the theorem, write the chemical reaction, thanks to our teachers, we attain the most important science: to be honest, kind, skill to communicate, real friends.

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