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My birthday is on 5 August. On my lost
birthday I had a big party. My friends arrived
di sx o'clock They gove me bts of presents
and cords. We ate pizza and burgers ond
dronk orange juice. Then, I blew out the
condes on my cake and they all song Hoppy
Birthday to mel it wos a gredi birthdy!
by Nurlyber
0 Wnen is Nurlybek's birthday?
On the fifth of August.
1 When did his friends arrive?
2 What did they give him?
3 What did they eat?
4. Which song did they sing to Nurlybek?​

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Мой день рождения 5 августа. В мой потерянный

день рождения у меня была большая вечеринка. Мои друзья приехали

в шесть часов и принесли мне кучу подарков

и шнуров. Мы ели пиццу и гамбургеры

с апельсиновым соком. Затем я задул

конды на своем торте, и все они запели Хоппи

это перевод

Yesterday me and my friends went to the cinema. it was secret life of pets. it was great and funny. my and my friends really enjoyed it and went home happy. i has amazing time and want to come back with my sister next week.

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