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he is still trying to find a job but there is not much work available at present.believe me, i think of you all the time.i don't know how they make both ends meet. they have six children and do not earn very much.my mother thinks that hitch-hiking is dangerous.the police are looking into the matter now.people like stability in life.they are opening a new mcdonald's tomorrow.the english believe that their home is their castle.mike is arriving  in three days. we can't wait until he comes. everyone is looking forward to seeing him.when he has a problem to solve he will work at it until he finds an answer.the equator runs round the middle of the earth.the english like coalfires even though they don't produce much heat.my brother doesn't care very much what he looks like.a hot-air balloon floats because hot air is lighter than cool air. a hot air balloon consists of a basket in which the pilot and the crew stand, a gas burner and a largeballoon.as soon as doctors find an answer to aids, they will be able to cure people.you look great after your holiday! - yes, i feel wonderful! you can borrow my walkman unless you lose it.have i told you about how ann is getting on at college? he is intelligent but he lacks common sense.the house is in good condition but it needs to be repainted.he is wasting his time looking for a job there, they're not taking any staff on now.the man who lives opposite us sometimes comes over for a cup of coffee.if i have a headache i generally take an aspirin.in england it always rains and the wind constantlyblows! if you heat ice, it melts.

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