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From: Fiona * Subject: My home
Hi! My name's Fiona. I live in Scotland. This is my house. We live in a small
village in the country. I like living in the country, but sometimes it's boring
because it's quieter than a city. I live a long way from my friends and there
aren't many shops or cafés, and there isn't a cinema.
My cousin, Alex, lives in Edinburgh. I like visiting Alex because Edinburgh
is more exciting than my village. It's much bigger of course, and there
are more interesting things to do than in the country. There are a lot of
shops, cinemas and cafes. There are also a lot of buses so it's easier to
meet friends. I love the shops and the cinemas, but I like meeting friends
in cafés the most. Cafés are nice because you can sit and talk. Edinburgh
is a beautiful city. I think it's the most beautiful city in Scotland, but I like
my home, too. It's more boring than the city, but my village is cleaner and
quieter, and the people are friendlier.
Thonitiotorto Civil​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1 you dont have to arrive before 9 30

2 students should not bring any food into the classrooms.

3 you should not eat too much junk food.

4 i would be able to buy a new laptop.

5 you can afford the school trip if you have enough money.

6 you ought to be in bed early if you have an exam.

7 you better start training as soon as possible.

8 you have to wear a helmet if you ride a motorbike.

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