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I. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Perfect or the Past Perfect Continuous. 1) A: Mum was really angry at me.
B: I know. She … (clean) the house all morning when you stepped in with those muddy shoes.
2) A: Did Sally help you with the dinner party last night?
B: No, we … (prepare) everything by the time she got home.
3) A: Why was Tracy so happy to see her uncle?
B: She … (not/see) him for eight months.
4) A: Was Jenny upset that I called her so late?
B: No, she … (not/go) to bed yet.
5) A: Lisa was exhausted yesterday.
B: I know. She … (study) for a history exam all day.

II. Put the verbs in brackets into the Past Simple, Past Continuous, Past Perfect or Past Perfect Continuous.
1) Peter … (talk) on the phone when I went to his office, I didn’t want to interrupt him.
2) We didn’t see Jane at the party, because when we got there she … (already/go) home.
3) When … (James/graduate) from university?
4) John … (try) to fix his computer for two hours before he decided to call a professional.
5) Sam … (not/win) the Young Inventor of the Year Award last year, but he’s sure he will this year.

III. Choose the correct tense and form of the verb (Past Simple, Past Continuous, Present and Past Perfect).
1. He broke his leg while he … football.
a) played b) used to play c) was playing
2. Tom and Alice … married last week.
a) got b) have got c) were getting
3. After she … her homework she read a comic.
a) finished b) was finishing c) had finished
4. They … to London this year.
a) moved b) have moved c) had moved
5. James … a new car last month.
a) bought b) has bought c) had bought
6. My brother was ill, so we … to the beach.
a) didn’t went b) didn’t go c) hadn’t gone
7. I … the dishes before Mum came back from her work.
a) washed b) was washing c) had washed
8. … it … raining yet?
a) Has … stopped b) Had … stopped c) Did … stop
9. … Tom … home when you saw him?
a) Has … gone b) Did … go c) Was … going
10. She doesn’t live here any more. She … a new flat.
a) has bought b) had bought c) bought
11. We … lunch when they arrived.
a) have had b) were having c) had
12. … you ever … Chinese food?
a) Have … eaten b) Were … eating c) Had … eaten
13. She fell asleep while she … TV.
a) watched b) was watching c) had watched
14. Jack’s on holiday. He … to Egypt.
a) has gone b) has been c) went
15. The play … by the time we got to the theatre.
a) didn’t start b) hasn’t started c) hadn’t started
16. … you … a good time at the party last night?
a) Did … have b) Have … had c) Was … having
17. We arrived at the station after the train … .
a) left b) leaved c) had left
18. … you … your homework when I called you?
a) Did … do b) Were … doing c) Have … done
19. … you … hard when you were a student?
a) Did … study b) Have … studied c) Had … studied
20. This is the best book I … ever … .
a) was … reading b) have … read c) had … read

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Rome,san francisco,usa,london,skiling,

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