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I. Open the brackets 1) At that time three days ago they ( to wait) for us at the station.
2) He (to come) to our place in a week?-No, he (not;come)as he (to be ) busy.
3) As I know she (not; to buy) that car by the end of the previous year.
4) The students are in the classroom, they (to write) a test.A few students already (to write)it.
5) What he (to do)?- He (to work) as a manager.
6) You ever(to see) this film ?-Yes, i (to see) it last week.
7) As i know they (to republish)this book by the end of 2021.
8) Tomorrow at that time we (not;to discuss) current questions.
9) The secretary (to type) all the documents when the boss came .

II. Modal verbs

1) All people tell the truth in the judge.
2) We do it again, but weas we’ve already done it.
3) They stay at home yesterday as the weather was very awful.
4) He speak French rather well few years ago.
5) I speak to him right now? - No, as he doesn’t want to see you.
6) we write all these tasks? - No, you .
7) My dentist always tells me Ieat a lot of sweets.
8) He be at work as he has a lot of work to do.
9) As i know the plane arrive tomorrow at noon.
10) i ...not translate this text. It's very difficult. Whotranslate it?

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Ответы на вопрос:

Чтобы написать что было сделано нужно употреблять либо was либо were. was мы употребляем когда говорим об одном человеке, were употребляем когда говорится о нескольких людях.  1) alice was  wrote a letter (алиса написала письмо) 2) olga was  catched a butterfly (ольга поймала бабочку) 3) henry was doing shopping (генри ходил по магазинам) 4) the dears were planted flowers (садоводы посадили цветы) 5) john was washed the car (джон помыл машину)

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