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Complete the sentences with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs.
o While an old man was telling a story about the lakes and mountains, Shokan
Ualikhanov wrote it down in his book. (tell / write)
1 When the lonely warrior that everyone around him was poor and unhappy, he
his sword and his village to look for happiness. (realise / take / leave)
2 The lonely warrior his horse when he some other men from distant places.
(ride / meet)
3 While the men for happiness, it clear that each man was thinking only
about himself. (search/become)
4 While the lonely warrior he and a mountain in that place. (fight |
fall / appear)​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.how long it was raining? или how long it has been raining 2.when they were swimming? или how long have they been swimming? 3.how long has she been printing documents?

Популярно: Английский язык