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8 класс 1 вариант 1. If my entrance exams _ the happiest man in the world.
A) will pass/be
B) passed / am
C) passed / would have been
D) pass/shall be
E) shall pass / would be
2. What _ you _ if the train in time?
A) did/will not come
B) will/do/doesn't come
C) do / didn't / come
D) have / done / came
E) will be / doing / come
3. If you tickets we Paris.
A) buy / shall visit
B) bought / visit
C) buys / visited
D) were buying / should visit
E) will buy / shall visit
4. If you are free, watch the film they _ on TV.
A) have showed
B) showed
C) shows
D) had showed
E) are showing
5. If my friend _ to our town next year I him the sights of the city.
A) has come/is showing
B) shall come / show
C) comes/ shall show
D) is coming / will show
E) come/ shows
6. If he in Tokyo he us.
A) were / would visit
B) was / will visit
C) will be / will visit
D) is / would visit
E) are / will visit
7. What would you do if a millionaire you a lot of money.
A) gives
B) give
C) will give
D) giving
E) gave
8. If I the car _you useit.
A) didn't need / would le

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Ответы на вопрос:

london tower is very skared place.there are veeery big ravens.but they can"t fly beacose men in the tower cut their wings.a legend said if ravens fly out of britan,all the british kingdom will die!

  men in the tower eats only meat.and they are very fat


  лондонский тауэр страшное место.там есть большие вороны.они не могут летать так как люди в тауэре отрезают им крылья.леренда гласит если вороны улетят за пределы британского королевства всё королевство погибнет.

  люди в тауэре едят только мясо.и они толстые

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