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I. Choose the right variant. Example: It’s already five to eight – you’re going to ... the train.

a) miss
b) missing
c) will miss
1. I can’tcome tonight - ... my in-laws
a) I will visit
b) I’m visiting
c) I visit
2. The large shopping centre ... in our town.
a) is being built
b) is built
c) built
3. The Civil War lasted ... years.
a) 2
b) 5
c) 4
4. The US President’s term is...
a) 5 years
b) 4 years
c) 2 years
5. Have you ever ... to London?
a) been
b) was
c) have
6. What is the capital of the USA?
a) Chicago
b) Los Angeles
c) Washington D.C.
II. Make sentence from words.
Example: are, Constitution, their, Americans, very, of, proud – Americans are very proud of their Constitution.

7. Is, centre, major, Washington, cultural, a, American.
8. Heart, New, Manhattan, the, of, York, is.
III. Match the words.
Example:1. Position a) работа
2. application b) Рождество
3. job с) заявление
4. Christmas d) должность
Answers: 1 – d, 2 – c, 3 – a, 4 – b.
9. 1. plaine a) туманный
2. to celect b) выбирать
3 to attract c) равнина
4. foggy d) привлекать
10. 1. Thanksgiving a) сжигать
2. Boxing Day b) День благодарения
3. frosty c) коробка с подарками
4. to burn d) морозный
IV. Put the verb in the Present Simple, Present Continuous, Present Perfect.

11.I’m sorry, I (not to understand). Can you speak more slowly?

a) don’t understand b)doesn’t understand c) did not understand

12.They (to read) many books?

a) do they read b) does they read c) are reding

13. Where he (to go) in the morning?

a) goes b) is going c) does he go

14. He (to live) in England

a) is living b) lives c) was living

15. Timothy (to feed) his dog now.

a) is feeding b) feeds c) is feeding

16. What she (to do) at the moment?

a) does she do b) was is doing c) is she doing

17. A young man (to stand) at the window now.

a) stands b) is standing c) standed

18. Have you ever (to be) in New York? – Yes, twice.

a) was b) been c) is

19. He just (to come) home.

a) is coming b) came c) has just come

20. I (not to see) her for ages.

a) am not see b) did not see c) haven’t seen

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Ответы на вопрос:

11- unbelievable, 12-impossible, 13-unforgettable, 14-been, 15-been, 16-gone


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