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Complete the dialogues with some, any, no, every and their compounds. 1 A: Hi! Did you have a good time at the Ile-Alatau National Park?
B: Yes, I really enjoyed it.
A: Did you see (1). snow leopards?
B: No. We met (2) _who told us they are very rare. He said that (3) has seen one for a
long time.
2. A: Let's do (4) fun together at the weekend.
B: Sure. We could go to the cinema.
A: There's (5) interesting on at the moment.
B: What about that new science-fiction film? (6). says it's excellent
3. I want to get some lunch. Is there a café (7)_ near here?
B: Yes, there's one just opposite the shopping centre.
A Great. Do you want me to go get you (8). while I'm there? A coffee? A sandwich?
B: No, (9) Thank you

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Ответы на вопрос:

Okroshka.  ingredients : cucumbers - 3 pieces , green onions - 2 beam , meat 100 g garlic - 2 cloves , quail eggs - 12 pieces , salt - to taste , yogurt - 400m

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