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3. Use the article 'the' where necessary. 1)... Statue of Liberty was a gift from ... France to ... United States
2) ... Donald and ... Sarah went to school yesterday.
3) On our trip to ... USA we crossed ... Atlantic Ocean.
4) ... Nickolas is the youngest son of ... Browns.
5) He lived in ... South-East, then he moved to North.
6) Some seas have names of colours: ... Black Sea, ... Red Sea,
Yellow Sea.
7)... Fleet Street in London took its name from ... Fleet River, which
till 1765 ran into ... Thames.
8) His ship nearly sank in ... Pacific.
9) The article tells about the events in ... Asia and in ... Africa.
10) My uncle has been to ... Latin America.
11)... Asia is between ... Black Sea and ... Mediterranean Sea.
12) ... Mount Blanc is the highest peak of ... Alps.
13)... Aladdin was a lazy boy.
14) In one of the cities of ... China there lived ... Mustapha
15) This man is ... English.
16) Thousands of people go to ... Crimea in summer.
17) What is the capital of ... Canada?
18) ... Pamirs, which are called ... "Roof of ... world", are in ... Asia.
19)... Caucasus Mountains are between ... Black sea and ...
Caspian Sea.​

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Ответы на вопрос:

8.We have already seen this film.

9.We haven't been in this country yet.

10.Has Linda learnt English before?

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