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Global natural disasters
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The climate has become a real phobia over the past decade. Environmentalists say that the planet is threatened with global warming, some report that it has already happened. One thing is clear - people have radically transformed the planet's climate, and the consequences of this change were not long in coming: in the report on the problems of global changes in the geological environment, it is reported that over the past 10 years, earthquakes have killed 42% more people than in the previous 50 years, from The tsunami killed 10 times more people than in the previous 100 years, over the past five years the number of floods has more than doubled compared to the previous five years.


Климат за последнее десятилетие стал настоящей фобией. Экологи утверждают, что планете грозит глобальное потепление, некоторые сообщают, что оно уже произошло. Ясно одно — люди кардинально преобразили климат планеты, и последствия этого изменения не заставили себя ждать: в докладе по проблемам глобальных изменений геологической среды, сообщается, что за последние 10 лет от землетрясений погибло на 42% больше людей, чем за предыдущие 50 лет, от цунами погибло в 10 раз больше людей, чем за предыдущие 100 лет, за последние пять лет число наводнений увеличилось более чем вдвое по сравнению с предыдущим пятилетием.

At last our spring holidays came! i was very happy!   i didn't have   to get up early in the morning and run to school. i could stay in the bed till midday. but i didn't want to sleep. there were a lot of things to do.the weather was fine so my friends and i went for a walk almost every day. it was fun! then i spent a few days in the country where my grandfather and grandmother lived. it was great. i drank milk and eat a lot of tasty food which my granny prepared for me.i have many friends in this village because i go there every holidays. we walked and played different games.but the holidays were over and i returned to the city again.   i liked my holidays very much.next spring my family and i are going to fly to paris and i'm very happy.i like my summer holidays best of all because they are the longest holidays in a year.

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