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Tom: We will go there tommorow. Sue: What does he say? You: He says that Tom: It will be great. Sue: What does he say? You: He says that Tom: I'd love to go there again. Sue: What does he say? You: He says that Tom: The teachers at my school are very nice. Sue: What does he say? You: He says that Tom: My English has improved. Sue: What does he say? You: He says that Закончите предложения в косвенной речи, обратите внимание на изменение местоимений и глаголов

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. He played football yesterday

2. Irina wore nice clothes day before yesterday

3. it was my pen

4. We had breakfast at 7 o’clock

5. I drank coffee this morning

6. We saw a spider yesterday

7. She ate apples this morning

8. They were in London last year

9. My sister called him yesterday

10. My mother was a doctor two years ago

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