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6 complete the text with the past simple or past continuous form of the verbs in brackets. The Vikings in America
According to Viking records, around the year 1000, while some Viking sailors a (look for) were looking for
the coast of Greenland, they b (reach)
the eastern coast of America. While they
there, they d (try)
to trade with the local Native Americans,
known by the Vikings as Skraelings, but in the end the Native Americans e (fight)
them and f(drive)
them out. After several attempts to return, the Vikings
g give up)
In 1968, while some archaeologists h (world
Newfoundland, they i (discover)
the remains of one of the Viking settlements, and
į (prove)
that this story was true.
Charles-Marie de la Condamine
In 1735 Charles-Marie de la Condamine k (sail).
to South
America. At that time, scientists I (argue)
about the shape
of the Earth. The French Academy m (want)
him to take measurements on the Equator, along with
two other scientists. The work
n (take)
them eight years and in the end, another
scientific team o (find)
the answer they
p (look for)
While de la Condamine q (travel)
home along the River Amazon, he
r (learn)
many interesting things about the local people
and their way of life. When he s (arrive)
in Paris in 1745,
he t (receive)
a hero's welcome.
The River Amazon​

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. Russia is colder than Spain.

2. Dogs are  friendlier than cats.

3. A sofa is more comfortable than a chair.

4. Driving is more dangerous than flying.

5. Basketball players are taller than football players.

6. Water is healthier than coke.

7. Apple is tastier than banana.


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