Есть ответ 👍

1. Some of the worst Himalayan accidents in the last twenty years on K2, and many lives have been lost. ()happen

()have happened

()will happen

()has happened

2.Tourist expeditions started going to Everest in the 1980s, and the number of visitors since then, but they don’t go to K2.


()has risen

()has been risen


3.We usually spend our holiday at … seaside.


() the



4.It is … most exciting film I've ever seen.





() 5.When … you go to a swimming pool next time?





6.Who …Ann go to Rome in July with?

() was




7.I think I … buy John a torch for his birthday.





8.It … rain tomorrow morning.

() can

() might



9. You … smoke less.





10.You … go home.

() ought




11.They … our business partners.



() was


12.How many branches … your firm have?


() does



13.I … my dogs now.

()will be feeding

()am feeding

()were feeding

( )is feeding

14.My father … news at the moment.

( )are watching

( )was watching

( )will be watching

( )is watching

15.We … our suitcases when the car arrived.

( ) were packing

( )was packing

( )packed

( )packing

16.I first … my husband when I was on holiday in the mountains.

( )meet

( )met

( )were meeting

( )was meeting

17.Our trainees … for the manager the whole morning.

( )was waiting

( )were waiting

( )waited

( )wait

18.I … Olga's address.

( ) was forgotten

( )have forgotten

( )has forgotten

( )had forgotten

19.My sister … the novel already.

( )has translated

( )have translated

( )was translated

( )am translated

20.Our grandmother … since Monday.

( )have been sick

( )has been sick

( )have being sick

( )had being sick

21.Her office … every morning.

( )has cleaned

( )is cleaned

( )will have been cleaned

( )are cleaned

22.These important papers … now.

( )were signed

( )was signed

( )are being signed

( )will be signed

23.new supermarket will be built here soon.

( )а

( )the

( )an

( )–

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Ответы на вопрос:

ответ: ex.2

2)some, 3)a, 4)an, 5)a, 6)some, 7)some, 8)an, 9) some, 10)some, 11)some, 12)a, 13)some, 15)some, 16)a, 17)some









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