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Сomplete the text with the correct form of the verbs in capital letters. 0. my an airline pilot and be 1. he his job. love 2. he for an airline company. work 3. he to america but fly 4. he usually to australla. today go 5. he to new york. we fly 6. last year for my go 7. birthday. we four days spend 8. there and we a wonderful time. have 9. i lots of clothes. now buy 10. l for a new job with more money. look

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Ответы на вопрос:

0. my an airline pilot and                           be1. he his job.                                                 love2. he for an airline company.                     work3. he to america but                     fly4. he usually to australla. today               go5. he to new york. we                                   fly6. last year for my                               go7. birthday. we four days                           spend8. there and we a wonderful time.             have9. i lots   of clothes. now                               buy10. l for a new job with more money.     look

1) loves 2) works 3) flies 4) goes 5) flies 6) went 7) spent, had 8)buy 8) am looking


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