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Match the halves of the sentences. (~) Children need to feel that … ~ … they belong to the family, to the class at school, to a group of friends.
(~) Give your child attention when …~… he or she is behaving well
(~) Children misbehave when …~… they feel inadequate or lack confidence.
(~) Help children understand that …~… everyone makes mistakes.
(~) A change in behavior is often a sign that …~… a child is ill or has a physical discomfort.
(~) This is when children need adults …~… who can accept their feelings to help them cope with their disappointment.
(~) People often say discouraging things to children that …~… they would never say to an adult.
(~) Your child’s actions will improve if …~… you show signs of love: hugs, kind words, and sharing experiences.
(~) We need to make clear to children which …~… behaviors we want them to choose for themselves.
(~) Television comedy is full of …~… this type of sarcasm among friends and family.

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