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D ,
The Dursleys had all they wanted, but
they also had a secret. The secret was
about the Potters. Mrs. Potter was Mrs.
Dursley's sister, but Mrs. Dursley did not
like her sister. The Dursleys knew that
the Potters had a baby son, but they did
not want to see him.
The story started on Tuesday when Mr.
and Mrs. Dursley woke up. They did not
see a large owl behind their window. At
half past eight, Mr. Dursley left the house
and got into his car. On the corner of the
street he saw something interesting a
cat was reading a map. For a second,
Mr. Dursley did not understand what it
was. He closed and opened his eyesi
and tried not to think about the cat.
As he was driving he saw a lot of
strange people.
people. They were wearing
green cloaks! Mr. Dursley did not like the
people who got dressed funny clothes.
Mr. Dursley always sat with his back
to the window in his office on the ninth
floor. So he did not see the owls flying
at daylight, but the people down in the
street were looking at them.
Mr. Dursley made several important H
telephone calls and decided to walk to
the bakery. In the street he again met
some people in cloaks and it made
him angry. They were talking about the t
Potters and their son Harry. When Mr.
Dursley heard those words, he stopped.
He was scared. He looked back at those
people. Then he walked up to his office,
closed the door and told his secretary a
not to take the telephone.
He decided not to tell his wife about the i
news because Mrs. Dursley was always
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Ответы на вопрос:

Cenotaph это военный мемориал, расположенный в уайтхолле, лондоне. был построен как временная структура для мирного парада в конце первой мировой войны позже военный мемориал заменил его. каждый год национальная служба проходит там в воскресенье. в ближайшее воскресенье 11 ноября (день перемирия), чтобы вспомнить солдат, погибших в двух мировых войнах и последующих конфликтах, монарх, rehgious лидеры, политики приходят отдать дань уважения тем, кто отдал свою жизнь, защищая других каждый замечает twоminute молчанием концы церемонии с марша ветеранов войны, жест уважения к их павших товарищей. a a moveable конструкция в месте to remember герои монумента прошлого d. центре лондона е. королевская резиденция

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