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Тест на разницу в употреблении слов earth (the Earth), land, soil, ground . 1.Mrs Willer prepared the ... for the flowers she was going to plant.
a)earth b)land c)soil d)ground

2.Is the ... nearer to the Moon than Mars is?
a)earth b)land c)soil d)ground

3.There is water and water around us. When shall we see the ... ?
a)earth b)land c)soil d)ground

4.In autumn red and yellow leaves fall to the ... and we walk on them. a)earth b)land c)soil d)ground

5.It is snowing now, and beautiful snowflakes are falling down to the ...
a)earth b)land c)soil d)ground

6/She planted the roses in wet rich ... .
a)earth b)land c)soil d)ground

7.After working at sea for eight years, I got a job on ... .
a)earth b)land c)soil d)ground

8.Mr Parson is interested in our planet. He has a good collection of books about ... .
a)earth b)land c)soil d)ground

9.The captain of the boat wanted to walk on dry ... .
a)earth b)land c)soil d)ground

10.The ... in the pot is very dry. Can't you water the plant?
a)earth b)land c)soil d)ground

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. when i went to school i met egor2. when max went shopping he bought a phone3. when vova participated in competitions, he injured his hand4. when lisa read the book her called sasha5. when gosha walked we launched the plane

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