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1. Why is Susan scared of the dark? a) Her brother scares her at night

b) A monster lives under her bed

c) Storms at night scare her

d) She doesn’t really know


2. Which of these is NOT one of the ways Susan’s parents tried to defeat her fear of the dark?

a) Gave her a flashcard

b) Just let her cry until she fell asleep anyway

c) Let her have two nightlights

d) Turned the light off after she fell asleep


3. What did Susan’s mother buy her?

a) Slippers and pajamas

b) Pajamas and pizza

c) Slippers and Sandwiches

d) Nightcaps and nightgowns


4. What did Susan think of her mother’s gifts?

a) She was afraid to sleep still

b) She was excited to go to sleep

c) She thought they were ugly.

d) None of the above

5. How did Susan feel about the dark at the end of the story ?

a) Scared still

b) She was okay with the dark

c) She loved it and was scared of the light instead

d) It made her hungry

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Plain ones picture cards expensive.

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