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Қожа Ахмет Ясауи кесенісі қай жерде орналасқан? Кесене нешінші жылы салынған?
Кесененің ішінде не бар?
1.Сол сұрақтар негізінде диалог құрастыр.

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4,6(54 оценок)

По ? если по то help translate the presentation one boy was studying in the city and summer came to the village.dad: -son in and grab the rake it was time to collect hay.gather the hay which i brasil, his father said. the boy even wanted working : -i studied different sciences.i forgot kazakh words, what is the rake? -he said.no sooner had he you to say those words as he stepped on a rake and the handle of the rake hit him right in the forehead.stroking his forehead, he immediately remembered what a rake.he got angry said"who left the rake there? "

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