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Які знаряддя праці знайшли археологи на місці Мізинської стоянки

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Первісні люди на Мізинській стоянці виготовляли лише кам'яні та кістяні знаряддя праці — різці, скребки, вістря, «молотки», «сокири» (археологи знайшли понад 113 тисяч виробів, фрагментів з кременю!).


Was boring day winter. i was waiting for carol, but it hopelessly опаздывала. weather not contributed to a long walk, and i fell in a small cafe. although there was almost empty, but the table, from which i could see the bus stop, where can appear carol, was busy. high guy about my age i was sitting and read pocket book. - can i sit down? yes, of course. - guy looked at me and continued to read. i paid for a few donuts in a certain cafe and sat down for the table. i looked out the window and thought about recent dispute with carol. it really angry at me, said that i am very bad man, and that i always издеваюсь above all, дерусь, and that i always able to offend someone or worse. "it right, i told me: " i don't care about the others. but i do not all the same for carol and i don't want to offend her feelings. this is why i try to be good, polite, and tolerant to the people. carol says a lot of smart words, as it is going to be a journalist. it many ideas on human rights, tolerance and equality, peaceful solutions and conflict prevention. if it ever be able to put all her ideas in life, the world would be better, i bet ".погруженный in their thoughts, i do not noticed when the waitress brought me donuts. plate with them, hot and steam already on the table and guy straight in front of me already дегустировал one of them. he did not even stopped to read. scattered bookworm in any other time, i would not forgive to this man who climbs on the trouble. but i promised to be good to the people. so i pretended that i saw nothing and took a donut currently. guy looked at me with a surprise and took the other. well, this is something outrageous! my fist already was going to fly in this жующую fall, as i remembered words carol: " sometimes people behave such a way that you don't like because they have some reason for that ". well, it can be hungry and can not afford to buy them. but it could at least ask! boiling inside, but with indifferent face, i ate their donuts. high guy with stone face did the same thing. he forgot about his book and tried to eat as soon as possible. his eyes were full of anger and despair. my opinion was hard and concentrated" i have promised that i will avoid conflicts and i will not give up "he was the first who lost. muttering something and calling me by name, he ran out of the cafe. i just доел last cake, when the waitress put on a plate hot donuts and cocktail." i am very sorry ", she said: " i made you long wait. take this is a cocktail free, and thank you for your patience and understanding of

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