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с английским языком. Напишите правильно временную форму строчными буквами без сокращений и точек.

Yesterday i ( to write ) my English exercise by five p.m

Our friends ( to go ) to Zanzibar every winter

Where your father ( to work ) last week.

John ( to program ) their now manipulator for an hour before Mike entered the lab

By the 1st of September 2021 we ( to study ) at this college for 2 years

Mark said that by 2023 he ( to collect ) the model planes for 15 years

Those panels ( to produce ) electricity?

We don't want to go it because it ( to rain ) hard since early morning.

Dan thought that his team ( to sell ) all the vehicles by the next Friday

While we ( to talk ) in the park it began to train

Our manager ( to call ) you as soon at possible.

Everybody is in the class, but my friend ( not to come ) yet.

Current ( not to flow ) through an open circuit.

The company promises it ( to build ) the bridge by 2032

I ( to wait ) for you in hall for 10 minutes, but then i will return back into my office.

Corvin planned that he ( to play ) chess the whole evening

She thought that she ( to copy ) all the documents the next day

You ( to go ) to college yesterday?​

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