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Read the text again and answer the questions.
1 What are the most popular girls' magazines
in Britain?
2 What kind of information do they contain?
3 When did celebrity gossip magazines
become popular?
4 Which famous magazines have
5 Was the Jellyfish experiment successful?
6 What's the disadvantage of online

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. the delegation had arrived by last sunday. 2. the pupils had read this book by last week. 3. ann had done her lessons by the time i came. 4. they had finished that work by 5 o’clock yesterday. 5. we hadn’t seen our teacher before the bell rang. 1. делегация прибыла к прошлому воскресенью.2. ученики прочитали эту книгу к прошлой неделе.3. энн сделала уроки к моему приходу.4. вчера они закончили эту работу к 5 часам.5. мы не видели нашего учителя до звонка.

Популярно: Английский язык