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Что зделали Атланты?​

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Ответы на вопрос:

ответ:защищали тихий океан


Истории об этом персонаже в произведениях античной литературы противоречивы и содержат взаимоисключающие утверждения. По наиболее распространённой версии, участвовал в титаномахии — битве титанов с олимпийскими богами. После поражения Зевс низвергнул титанов в Тартар, а Атланту положил на плечи небесный свод.



My best friend's name is tim . my mom took him to declare at one grandmother. when they brought the puppy home , it is a long walk around the apartment and the food , but then mastered .thymine muzzle light brown nose is mild and humid . hanging ears , but when he hears something interesting , stand on end . eyes brown- black and shiny . tummy without his coat , and the back and sides are very fluffy . shaggy paws with long claws that i sometimes paint . tail long, folded into a ring . my friend is very funny, and sometimes harmful . tim greets me from school and barks of joy. after washing, running around the house and all have the legs. often takes my things and chewing them . but despite all his pranks , i love my dog , as it is my only best friend that never betrays me .

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