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Письменное сообщение по теме "Животные и растения Калининградской области"

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Ответы на вопрос:

кислица, фиалка, дуб, берёза, клён, ольха, ясень, черника, голубика, галюся, лани, кабаны, лисица, и другие

1.when the bell rang the children  ran into the classroom and took their seats.

2. when i opened the door, the lesson  began and the teacher was  explaining something to the class  

3.before we  took the boy to the theatre he  had never    seen a play.

4.i  was  cleaning  the carpet when the dog came and  shook himself

5.by the time we had  arrived the party had  already finished

6.-what were you doing when i called you? - i was cooking

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