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ЧТО У ПРЕЗЕНТ СИМПЛ, А ЧТО К КОНТИНИУС these days; every day; at weekends; at the moment; on Sundays; this week; once a week;
usually; sometimes; today; now;
right now; hardly ever.
Present Simple:
Present Continuous:

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Ответы на вопрос:

Present simple там есть Спрятаные окончания и есть оканчания ing и другие незнаю я правильно сделала если нет то прости меня


Present Simple:  every day , at weekends/ this week/ once a week/ usually; sometimes; today; hardly ever

Present Continuous: these days/ at the moment/ now;

right now;

Ilook for the work connected with charity   it already worked on this company, and they have dismissed it   its father is responsible for marketing i am afraid, that the trade of an actress is not so demanded in our small city my brother works as the pilot in aeroflot. i am proud of it how to find the highly paid, interesting work which is not requiring professional skills? -th concept i have no

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